Breakthrough at Tokyo Tech New Catalysts Boost Methanol Production via CO2 Hydrogenation

Breakthrough at Tokyo Tech: New Catalysts Boost Methanol Production via CO2 Hydrogenation

Historical Context: Methanol has long been recognized as a versatile chemical with applications ranging from fuel to industrial feedstock. The synthesis of methanol from carbon dioxide (CO2) is particularly significant in the context of global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Historically, the industrial production of methanol dates back to the early 20th century, with the development of the high-pressure process by German chemists Alwin Mittasch and Matthias Pier. Over the decades, advancements in catalyst technology have continually improved the efficiency and sustainability of methanol production.

Recent Breakthrough: Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) have made a significant advancement in methanol production by encapsulating copper nanoparticles within hydrophobic porous silicate crystals. This innovative approach has been shown to significantly enhance the catalytic activity of copper-zinc oxide (Cu-ZnO) catalysts used in methanol synthesis via CO2 hydrogenation. The encapsulation structure effectively prevents the thermal aggregation of copper particles, leading to increased hydrogenation activity and higher methanol production.

Importance of Methanol and CO2 Utilization: CO2 emissions are a major driver of global warming, necessitating urgent measures to reduce these emissions. Methanol is emerging as a promising alternative to conventional fossil fuels due to its versatility and cost-effectiveness. Technologies that capture and utilize CO2, converting it into valuable products like methanol, are gaining significant attention. Methanol synthesis via CO2 hydrogenation is particularly promising among these technologies.

Catalyst Development: For efficient methanol synthesis, catalysts that operate effectively at lower temperatures are preferred. Cu-ZnO based catalysts are favorable due to their ability to form a Cu-ZnO interface that binds and converts CO2 into formate intermediates, promoting methanol production. However, the thermal instability of Cu nanoparticles, which tend to aggregate, poses a challenge. Additionally, water produced as a by-product accelerates Cu aggregation and inhibits formate formation.

Innovative Solution: A research team led by Professor Teruoki Tago at Tokyo Tech developed novel Silicalite-1 (S-1) encapsulated Cu-ZnO catalysts. Encapsulating metals within porous carriers like silica or zeolite mitigates thermal aggregation. The study, supported by the EU’s Horizon2020 Framework and Japan Science and Technology Agency’s SCICORP (Laurelin project), was published in the Chemical Engineering Journal.

Catalyst Fabrication: The researchers created two types of catalysts:

  1. Cu/S-1 Catalyst: Copper loaded onto hydrophobic S-1 by impregnation.
  2. Cu@S-1 Catalyst: Cu particles encapsulated in S-1 zeolite using Cu phyllosilicate (CuPS) powder as a metal source.

Optimal dissolution of the CuPS precursor resulted in a catalyst with approximately 2.4-nanometer Cu particles encapsulated within S-1, exhibiting superior catalytic activity. This catalyst demonstrated higher hydrogenation activity and methanol production than Cu/S-1.

Further Enhancements: To further improve methanol production, ZnO was added to Cu@S-1 by impregnation, forming the ZnO/Cu@S-1 catalyst. This catalyst showed even higher activity, suggesting the formation of the Cu-ZnO interface. The encapsulation structure with S-1 effectively suppresses thermal aggregation of Cu particles and facilitates the rapid elimination of water byproduct, enhancing methanol synthesis.


  • Historical Context: Methanol production has evolved since the early 20th century, with continuous advancements in catalyst technology.
  • Breakthrough: Tokyo Tech scientists enhanced methanol production by encapsulating copper nanoparticles within hydrophobic porous silicate crystals.
  • Importance: Methanol is a promising alternative fuel, and CO2 utilization technologies are crucial for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Catalyst Development: Cu-ZnO catalysts are effective for methanol synthesis, but thermal instability of Cu nanoparticles is a challenge.
  • Innovative Solution: Novel S-1 encapsulated Cu-ZnO catalysts were developed to prevent thermal aggregation and improve methanol production.
  • Catalyst Fabrication: Two types of catalysts were created, with Cu@S-1 showing superior activity.
  • Further Enhancements: Adding ZnO to Cu@S-1 further improved methanol production by forming a Cu-ZnO interface and eliminating water byproduct.