Space Debris Causes and Implications for Competitive Exam Preparation

Space Debris: Causes and Implications for Competitive Exam Preparation

Historical Context: The space race, which began in the mid-20th century, marked the start of humanity’s ventures into outer space. The launch of Sputnik 1 by the Soviet Union in 1957 and the subsequent Apollo missions by the United States set the stage for the modern space era. Over the decades, the number of satellites and space missions has exponentially increased, leading to significant advancements in technology and communication. However, this growth has also resulted in the accumulation of space debris, posing challenges for future space activities.

Current Scenario: As of 2024, there are 9,494 active satellites orbiting Earth, with projections indicating this number could rise to 58,000. This surge is primarily driven by private sector initiatives, such as SpaceX’s Starlink mega-constellation. The NewSpace market has introduced rapid innovations, making space more accessible and fostering new methods for exploration. Thousands of nano-satellites have been launched in the past decade, with plans for continued expansion.

Challenges: The increase in satellite networks, while beneficial for socio-economic development and research, has led to congestion in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), raising the risk of collisions. Historical events, such as the CBERS 1 Rocket Body explosion in 2000 and the ASAT weapon test in 2021, have contributed significantly to space debris.


  1. Mega-constellations: The current governance structure for LEO satellites is inadequate for managing extensive networks. Issues include potential collisions, effects on the Earth’s upper atmosphere, and the exclusion of other actors, violating the 1967 Outer Space Treaty. Companies like SpaceX are rapidly expanding their satellite constellations, increasing the risk of de-orbiting collisions.

  2. Dual-use Satellites: These satellites serve both military and civilian purposes, complicating their regulation. The ambiguity in their use raises concerns about potential hostile activities, despite their non-aggressive capabilities.

  3. CubeSats: These small, cost-effective satellites are difficult to track and often lack manoeuvrability, contributing to space debris. Their increasing numbers and limited reliability necessitate new mitigation strategies.

Assessment and Recommendations:

  1. Debris Removal: Implement sustained practices for debris removal and responsible operations. Design spacecraft for safe emergency disposal and maintain a high Post Disposal Mission (PDM) success rate.

  2. Collision Avoidance: Ensure manoeuvrability for missions above 375 km altitude and improve data sharing for traffic management. Operators should coordinate and establish agreements for space situational awareness.

  3. Financial Measures: Implement cost-sharing schemes and insurance mechanisms for potential risks. Governments should coordinate and share space regulations to support a level playing field.

  4. Mega-constellations: Design mega-constellations to avoid debris risks and ensure reliable end-of-life disposal options. Active removal techniques are more effective than collision avoidance for maintaining constellations.

  5. Dual-use Satellites: Strengthen international laws to prevent military uses of dual-use technology. The Treaty on the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS) and other agreements need further development.

  6. CubeSats: Apply post-mission disposal manoeuvres for CubeSats and ensure compliance with debris mitigation standards. Use Debris Assessment Software (DAS) to analyze re-entry survivability and limit human casualty risks.

Conclusion: To ensure a secure and sustainable space environment, coordinated actions by all stakeholders are essential. Space technology is crucial for modern life, enabling internet connectivity, global positioning, and environmental monitoring. Safeguarding this realm is vital for the welfare of humanity.

Summary in Bullet Points:

  • Historical Context: Space race origins, exponential growth in satellite numbers.
  • Current Scenario: 9,494 active satellites in 2024, projected to rise to 58,000.
  • Challenges: Congestion in LEO, historical debris events.
  • Risks:
    • Mega-constellations: Inadequate governance, collision risks.
    • Dual-use Satellites: Ambiguity in use, potential hostile activities.
    • CubeSats: Tracking difficulties, limited manoeuvrability.
  • Assessment and Recommendations:
    • Debris Removal: Sustained practices, safe emergency disposal.
    • Collision Avoidance: Improved manoeuvrability, data sharing.
    • Financial Measures: Cost-sharing, insurance mechanisms.
    • Mega-constellations: Reliable end-of-life disposal, active removal techniques.
    • Dual-use Satellites: Strengthen international laws, prevent military uses.
    • CubeSats: Post-mission disposal, compliance with mitigation standards.
  • Conclusion: Coordinated actions for a secure and sustainable space environment, essential for modern life and environmental monitoring.