Dengue Cases Surge in Coastal Regions Emphasis on Precaution

Dengue Cases Surge in Coastal Regions: Emphasis on Precaution

Historical Context: Dengue fever, a mosquito-borne viral infection, has been a significant public health concern in tropical and subtropical regions for decades. The disease is transmitted primarily by Aedes mosquitoes, particularly Aedes aegypti. Historically, dengue outbreaks have been linked to urbanization, increased travel, and climate changes, which create favorable conditions for mosquito breeding. In India, dengue has been a recurring issue, with major outbreaks reported in various states over the years. The current rise in cases in the coastal regions of Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts is a continuation of this trend, exacerbated by recent weather patterns.

Current Situation: As of July 2024, Dakshina Kannada district has seen a significant increase in dengue cases, doubling from the previous year. The district currently reports 263 cases, with a notable concentration in urban areas. In response, Wenlock Government Hospital has established a special ward to manage the influx of patients. The rise in cases is attributed to continuous rainfall, which has created ideal conditions for mosquito breeding.

Preventive Measures:

  1. Special Wards and Monitoring: Wenlock Hospital has set up a 15-bed general ward and an 8-bed ventilator ward. Monitoring is also being conducted at the taluk level.
  2. Door-to-Door Larvae Survey: Health officials, along with ASHA workers and local college students, are conducting daily larvae surveys in homes and shops to identify and eliminate mosquito breeding sites.
  3. Mosquito Eradication Campaign: Every Friday, a district-wide campaign is conducted to destroy mosquito breeding sites. The public is encouraged to clean water-filled containers to prevent mosquito breeding.
  4. Adequate Medical Supplies: The district has ensured an adequate supply of platelets and other supportive medicines. Private hospitals are also well-stocked.

Udupi District Measures: Udupi district has reported a fourfold increase in dengue cases, with 182 cases so far. The district hospital is prepared to provide treatment based on the severity of cases. Various preventive measures, including fogging and larvae surveys, are being implemented. The district has also ensured a sufficient stock of blood and supportive medicines.

Key Points:

  • High Incidence in Urban Areas: Urban areas, particularly the municipal corporation area, report the highest number of cases.
  • Community Participation: Effective control of dengue requires active community participation in preventive measures.
  • Health Department Initiatives: The health department is conducting extensive larvae surveys and fogging operations in affected areas.
  • Public Awareness: Authorities emphasize the importance of not neglecting even mild fevers and seeking medical attention promptly.


  • Dengue cases in Dakshina Kannada have doubled compared to last year.
  • Continuous rain has contributed to mosquito breeding.
  • Special wards set up in Wenlock Government Hospital.
  • Door-to-door larvae surveys and mosquito eradication campaigns are ongoing.
  • Udupi district reports a fourfold increase in cases.
  • Adequate medical supplies and preventive measures are in place.
  • Community participation is crucial for effective dengue control.