Israeli Attack Claims Life of Hind Rajabs Father, a Symbol of Gazas Suffering

Israeli Attack Claims Life of Hind Rajab’s Father, a Symbol of Gaza’s Suffering

The father of Hind Rajab, a 6-year-old Palestinian girl whose tragic death highlighted the suffering of Gaza’s children during Israel’s military actions, has reportedly been killed by Israeli forces.

According to a new report citing Palestinian journalist Ashraf Mashharawi, Hind’s mother received a text message informing her that her husband had been killed in an Israeli attack. Mashharawi had recently spoken with Hind’s mother.

On January 29, Hind was in a car with her uncle, his wife, and their four children, trying to escape the fighting in the Tel Al-Hawa neighborhood of Gaza City when they were attacked by Israeli forces. Trapped in the car filled with bullet holes and surrounded by her deceased relatives, Hind called emergency services. For over three hours, she pleaded for help, saying that an Israeli tank was approaching.

In a recording of her call released by the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), Hind can be heard saying, “Come take me. Will you come and take me? I’m so scared, please come!”

Two first responders, Yousef Zeino and Ahmed al-Madhoun, were sent to rescue Hind, but the PRCS soon lost contact with them and the little girl. On February 10, the bodies of Hind and her relatives were found in the car. Nearby, a burned-out ambulance was discovered with the remains of the two paramedics who tried to save her.

The PRCS stated, “The occupation deliberately targeted the Red Crescent crew despite obtaining prior coordination to allow the ambulance to reach the location to rescue the girl Hind.”

Hind’s mother, Wissam Hamada, called for Israel to be held accountable. She said, “Netanyahu, [US President Joe] Biden, and all those who collaborated against us, against Gaza and its people, I pray against them from the depths of my heart.”

Israel launched its intense military campaign on the Gaza Strip on October 7 after the Palestinian Hamas resistance group carried out an operation against Israel in response to the regime’s increased violence against Palestinians.

So far, the Israeli military actions have resulted in the deaths of more than 37,900 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and injured over 87,060 others in Gaza. The aggression is having a devastating impact on Gaza’s children, causing deaths and severe psychological harm. Many children are also dying due to the starvation imposed by Israel on the besieged Palestinian territory.