Democratic Lawmaker Urges Joe Biden to Withdraw as Presidential Nominee

Democratic Lawmaker Urges Joe Biden to Withdraw as Presidential Nominee

A Democratic member of the House has become the first in the party to openly suggest that President Joe Biden should step down as the Democratic nominee for president. This call comes after Biden’s debate performance against Donald Trump, which was criticized for not effectively defending his achievements.

Representative Lloyd Doggett from Texas issued a statement on Tuesday, urging Biden to “make the painful and difficult decision to withdraw.”

“My decision to voice these strong concerns publicly is not made lightly, nor does it diminish my respect for all that President Biden has accomplished,” Doggett said. “Recognizing that, unlike Trump, President Biden’s primary commitment has always been to our country, not himself, I hope he will make the painful and difficult decision to withdraw. I respectfully urge him to do so.”

Doggett, who represents a district based in Austin and is in his 15th term in Congress, is the first current lawmaker in his party to publicly express what many have been quietly discussing since last week’s debate.

Biden’s weak performance caused immediate concern among even his most loyal supporters, leading many to question whether the 81-year-old career politician is the best Democratic candidate to face Trump, the likely Republican nominee, in November.

In addition to the presidency, control of both the House and Senate is at stake in November, with Democrats defending more Senate seats than Republicans.

Doggett’s bold statement came shortly after former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from California, told MSNBC on Tuesday that she believes “it is a legitimate question” whether Biden’s faltering performance is just “an episode or a condition.”

“When people ask that question, it’s legitimate - of both candidates,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi mentioned that she had not spoken with Biden since the debate but emphasized that the president is “on top of his game, in terms of knowing the issues and what is at stake.”