IITian, 59, Shares Tips to Get Healthy After Heart Attack Wake Up at 5:30 AM, Manage Stress

IITian, 59, Shares Tips to Get Healthy After Heart Attack: Wake Up at 5:30 AM, Manage Stress

Mathew Gomes, a 59-year-old former banker and IIT-Kharagpur graduate, had a life-changing experience in April 2022 when he suffered a heart attack. Recognizing the symptoms, he drove himself to Ruttonjee Hospital in Hong Kong, where doctors stabilized him overnight. The following day, he underwent an angioplasty procedure.

During his recovery, Gomes delved into understanding lifestyle diseases such as hypertension and high cholesterol, and how they impact heart health. He shared his journey and the lifestyle changes he made with the South China Morning Post.

Gomes adopted significant lifestyle changes, including a healthier diet, regular exercise, and stress management. Within a year, he saw remarkable improvements: the blockages in his arteries reversed, his weight dropped from 75 kg to 62 kg, and his body fat percentage decreased from 28% to 13%.

Why Me?

In his mid-30s, Gomes had already started following the Mediterranean diet and enjoyed cycling and hiking on weekends. He believed he was living a healthy lifestyle, so the heart attack came as a shock. After his recovery, he asked his doctor why it happened to him despite his efforts.

The doctor explained that his healthy habits might have been the reason he survived the heart attack. This conversation made Gomes realize the critical importance of lifestyle changes. He understood that while medications and surgeries are essential, they have their limits, and the rest is up to individual effort.

A Low-Glycemic Index Diet

Post-heart attack, Gomes began following a low-glycemic index (GI) diet, inspired by Dr. William Li’s book, “Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How the Body Can Heal Itself.”

For breakfast, Gomes eats a lightly fried egg, half a slice of sourdough bread, a spoonful of apple cider vinegar, and some fruit. His lunch and dinner usually consist of grilled salmon or chicken with salad and grilled vegetables. He focuses on a balanced mix of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, and includes probiotics and dietary fiber to improve gut health. He has also cut out processed foods and sugar from his diet.


In addition to dietary changes, Gomes incorporated more exercise into his daily routine. He now takes after-dinner walks with his wife, Rekha, and cycles three to four times a week. He wakes up at 5:30 AM to go cycling and has gradually built up his stamina. For Gomes, who lives in Sai Ying Pun on Hong Kong Island, cycling offers the added benefits of spending time with friends and enjoying nature.

After his heart attack, Gomes also started strength training, focusing on building his core and upper body strength.

Foundation of Transformation

“Managing stress became the foundation of my transformation,” says Gomes. He learned that chronic hypertension is a major cause of cardiovascular diseases. To reduce stress, he attended three yoga classes a week and limited his time on social media. He also avoided negative news and focused on happy moments and conversations with family and friends.

Gomes’ efforts have paid off. On the first anniversary of his heart attack, tests showed no new plaque build-up in his arteries, and his blood pressure and cholesterol levels were normal. His medication has been reduced to the minimum, according to the South China Morning Post.