Hungary Takes Over EU Presidency Amid Worries

Hungary Takes Over EU Presidency Amid Worries

Hungary will take on the European Union’s (EU) rotating presidency starting July 1. The country has promised to act as an “honest broker” despite many concerns about its government, which critics describe as authoritarian and friendly towards Russia.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has led Hungary since 2010, aims to turn the country into what he calls an “illiberal democracy.” He often clashes with the EU over issues related to the rule of law and human rights.

Orban is the only EU leader who has kept close ties with Russia even after its invasion of Ukraine. He has refused to send weapons to Ukraine and has criticized sanctions against Russia.

Last year, the European Parliament passed a non-binding resolution that pointed out Hungary’s decline in democratic values. The resolution questioned how Hungary could “credibly” lead the EU for six months.

Hungary Ready to Lead

Despite the concerns, Hungary says it is prepared to take on the responsibilities of leading the 27-country bloc. Hungarian EU Affairs Minister Janos Boka stated in mid-June that Hungary will work loyally with all member states and institutions. He also mentioned that Hungary has a strong mandate to pursue a robust European policy.

Hungary’s slogan for its presidency is “Make Europe Great Again,” echoing the famous phrase used by former U.S. President Donald Trump, who is a friend of Orban. This slogan has already caused some controversy in Brussels.

When Hungary last held the EU presidency in 2011, Orban boasted about giving “flicks,” “smacks,” and “friendly slaps” to the European Parliament. This time, Orban, who is 61 years old, is even more combative. He has vowed to “occupy Brussels” during the campaign for European elections in early June, hoping for a right-wing breakthrough.

Although far-right parties made gains, Orban’s Fidesz party is currently isolated and unable to find a suitable group in the European Parliament. On Sunday, Orban announced plans to form his own group with Austria’s far-right Freedom Party (FPOe) and the centrist ANO party of former Czech premier Andrej Babis. They still need parties from at least four other countries to join them.

Challenges Ahead

Last week, Orban failed to stop a deal that returned Ursula von der Leyen as head of the European Commission, along with two others from a centrist alliance taking top jobs. Von der Leyen also postponed a courtesy visit to Budapest, which was initially planned for the presidency’s opening. A new date has not been set.

Hungary’s Seven Priorities

To gain support for Hungary’s program, Orban visited key European capitals last week. Among Hungary’s seven priorities for its EU presidency are stopping “illegal migration” and bringing Western Balkans countries closer to EU membership.

Orban can set the agenda during the presidency, but he needs the commission’s support to achieve results, according to Daniel Hegedus, a senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund. Hegedus also noted that Orban has limited opportunities to act as a spoiler because the outgoing Belgian presidency and EU institutions have rushed to conclude important decisions.

Last week, the EU adopted a new sanction package against Russia and formally started “historic” accession talks with Ukraine. Hegedus mentioned that everyone was trying to reduce instability, which limited the Hungarian presidency’s room for maneuver. However, he added that more “trolling on the communication front” is expected.

Among Hungary’s ongoing disputes with Brussels, Budapest is looking to unlock billions of euros in EU funds that have been frozen due to issues like LGBTQ rights, the treatment of asylum seekers, and public procurement.