Type 2 Diabetes Healthy Diet May Lower Risk Regardless of Genetics

Type 2 Diabetes: Healthy Diet May Lower Risk Regardless of Genetics

A new study suggests that eating a healthy diet can help lower blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in men, even if they have a genetic predisposition to the condition.

The research involved nearly 1,600 men in Finland who did not have type 2 diabetes. These men completed a food questionnaire and underwent a blood glucose test.

Experts believe that many risks associated with type 2 diabetes can be prevented by changing lifestyle and dietary habits. According to the study from the University of Eastern Finland, following a healthy diet based on recommended nutrition can help protect against high blood sugar and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, regardless of genetic factors. The study analyzed data from the Metabolic Syndrome in Men (METSIM) cohort, focusing on men aged 51 to 85 who did not have type 2 diabetes. Participants filled out a food-frequency questionnaire and took a two-hour oral glucose tolerance test between 2016 and 2018. Researchers looked at 76 genetic variants linked to type 2 diabetes risk and identified two diet patterns: healthy and unhealthy. The healthy diet included vegetables, fruits, fish, poultry, whole grains, unsweetened and low-fat yogurt, and potatoes. The unhealthy diet was high in fried potatoes, processed meats, baked sweets, candy, refined grains, high-fat and sweetened dairy products, and ready-made meals. The study concluded that a healthy diet was associated with lower blood glucose levels and reduced type 2 diabetes risk, regardless of genetic factors.

New Insights on Diet and Type 2 Diabetes

Medical News Today spoke with Sebnem Unluisler, a genetic engineer and chief longevity officer at the London Regenerative Institute, who was not involved in the study. Unluisler noted that the study offers hopeful insights into how diet can affect genetic predisposition to type 2 diabetes but also pointed out some limitations. “If parents with a high genetic risk maintain a healthy diet and pass these habits to their children, the children could have a lower risk of developing diabetes than their parents,” Unluisler said. However, she mentioned that the study might be limited if it did not include a diverse range of ethnicities, income levels, or geographic locations, as these factors can influence dietary habits and genetic risks. “Genetic predispositions to type 2 diabetes can vary significantly between regions and ethnic groups, with certain populations, such as Asians and Africans, showing higher genetic risks,” she explained. “These insights highlight the importance of personalized dietary advice and public health strategies to effectively reduce diabetes risk across different populations.” The study also only included men, so it’s unclear if the findings apply to women, which is important due to sex differences in type 2 diabetes development and progression.

Melanie Murphy Richter, a registered dietitian nutritionist and the director of communications for the nutrition company Prolon, who was not involved in the research, told Medical News Today that the study supports the idea that type 2 diabetes can often be influenced by factors within a society’s control, like diet, exercise, and socioeconomic conditions. “By promoting healthy lifestyles and addressing environmental factors, we have the potential to mitigate diabetes risk and improve public health outcomes significantly. Regarding future generations, the study suggests that diet can effectively reduce the risk of diabetes independent of genetic predisposition. This implies that adopting healthy eating habits could potentially improve the health outcomes of subsequent generations. For instance, a child who follows a healthy diet may have a lower risk of diabetes compared to their parents who did not prioritize healthy eating.” Richter explained that while genetic components, including those influencing insulin production, can increase susceptibility to type 2 diabetes, the disease is highly modifiable, manageable, and even reversible through interventions in diet and lifestyle. Notably, diet and lifestyle choices can influence epigenetics, potentially altering gene expression passed down to future generations.

What Are the Risk Factors of Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes, and exercise and diet, along with medication, can help people manage it. There are two types of risk factors: those you can modify and those you might not be able to change. Non-modifiable risk factors include:

  • Family history of the disease
  • Race: African Americans, Asian Americans, Latino Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, or Pacific Islanders all have a higher risk for type 2 diabetes
  • Being over 45 years old
  • A history of gestational diabetes, which develops during pregnancy
  • Depression
  • Having a baby that weighs over 9 pounds at birth
  • Having polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Modifiable or preventable risk factors include:

  • A sedentary lifestyle with little to no exercise
  • Hypertension, or high blood pressure
  • Obesity or being overweight
  • Heart or blood vessel disease and stroke
  • Low levels of “good” cholesterol or high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
  • High levels of the fats called triglycerides
  • An unhealthy diet

Sometimes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other risk factors listed as modifiable can be hereditary or a result of other health conditions that cannot be avoided. However, experts say healthy diet changes and managing your modifiable risk factors can benefit anyone.