EAM Jaishankar to Represent India at SCO Summit in Astana

EAM Jaishankar to Represent India at SCO Summit in Astana

External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar will be representing India at the upcoming Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in Astana next week. The summit, scheduled for July 3 and 4, will focus on regional security and ways to enhance connectivity and trade among member countries.

Indian Prime Minister to Miss the Summit

Kazakhstan, as the current chair of the SCO, is hosting this year’s summit. Key topics expected to be discussed include the situation in Afghanistan, the conflict in Ukraine, and strengthening security cooperation among SCO members. Typically, the Indian Prime Minister attends the SCO summit, but this year he will not be present.

Location of Astana

Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, is situated in the central part of the country on the Ishim River. The city lies in a flat, semi-arid steppe region that covers much of Kazakhstan’s territory.

India’s Role in the SCO

India began its association with the SCO in 2005 as an observer and became a full member in 2017 during the Astana summit. Last year, India chaired the SCO and hosted the summit virtually in July. India is keen on enhancing its security cooperation with the SCO, particularly through the Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure (RATS), which focuses on security and defense issues.

About the SCO Summit

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is a political, economic, and security alliance established by China and Russia in 2001. It is the largest regional organization in terms of geographic scope and population, covering about 80% of Eurasia and 40% of the world’s population. As of 2021, the combined GDP of SCO member states was around 20% of the global GDP.

Formation of the SCO

The SCO evolved from the Shanghai Five, which was formed in 1996 by China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan. In June 2001, the leaders of these countries, along with Uzbekistan, met in Shanghai to establish a new organization aimed at deeper political and economic cooperation. India and Pakistan became permanent members of the SCO in 2017.

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