Glimpse 460 Million Years into the Past with These Images of the First-Ever Star Clusters

Glimpse 460 Million Years into the Past with These Images of the ‘First-Ever Star Clusters’

The European Space Agency (ESA) has once again captivated space enthusiasts by sharing fascinating content that offers a peek into the universe beyond Earth. One of their recent posts features visuals of the “first-ever star clusters” from 460 million years after the Big Bang. This post, shared on Instagram by the ESA, showcases these ancient star clusters.

“These are stunning. Imagine looking back in time to just 460 million years after the Big Bang, when galaxies were still in their infancy. Thanks to the James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers have now identified the first-ever star clusters in such a young galaxy!” the space agency wrote.

They further explained, “The discovery of massive young star clusters in the Cosmic Gems arc (a strongly-lensed galaxy) gives us a fantastic view of the early stages of a process that might eventually form globular clusters.”

“The newly found clusters in the arc are large, dense, and situated in a very small area of their galaxy. Despite their size, they contribute most of the ultraviolet light coming from their host galaxy,” they added.

“This finding changes our understanding of how galaxies formed and how globular clusters came into existence,” the space agency elaborated.

Check out the full post here:

Since its release, the post has garnered nearly 7,300 likes. Social media users have left numerous comments reacting to the visuals.

What did Instagram users say about this ESA post?

One user commented, “Sky: Please don’t disturb me if you’re not ready for me. I’m a whole blessing, not a fling.”

Another added, “This is just so beautiful.”

A third user posted, “We continue to expand time and ourselves.”

A fourth person wrote, “It’s a great, big, and amazing universe.”

What are your thoughts on this incredible post by the European Space Agency?