I.N.D.I.A. Considering Awadhesh Prasad for Deputy Speaker Role

I.N.D.I.A. Considering Awadhesh Prasad for Deputy Speaker Role

New Delhi: The opposition alliance, I.N.D.I.A., is thinking about nominating Samajwadi Party MP Awadhesh Prasad for the Deputy Speaker position in the Lok Sabha. This move is seen as a unique and symbolic choice. Awadhesh Prasad is the representative for the Faizabad constituency, which includes the significant city of Ayodhya.

Currently, the government has not announced any plans for the Deputy Speaker election. The position has been vacant throughout the 17th Lok Sabha. There are signs that the ruling BJP prefers to keep the Deputy Speaker role within its own NDA alliance rather than offering it to the opposition.

Despite this, the I.N.D.I.A. bloc, which had previously contested the Speaker’s post due to the government’s reluctance to allocate the Deputy Speaker position to the opposition, has decided to put forward a candidate for the Deputy Speaker election. However, sources suggest that this election is unlikely to take place during the current parliamentary session.