Sri Ramakrishna Hospital’s Pulmonologists Address COVID Vaccine Concerns and Asthma Triggers

Sri Ramakrishna Hospital’s Pulmonologists Address COVID Vaccine Concerns and Asthma Triggers

1st July 2024, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India – In light of increasing worries about the COVID-19 vaccine, the respected pulmonology team at Sri Ramakrishna Hospital has stepped up to calm public fears. They are also working to educate the community about important asthma triggers, both inside and outside the home.

World Asthma Day is celebrated every year on the second Tuesday of May. This year, it was observed on May 7, 2024. The day focuses on raising awareness about asthma and lung health, which can be affected by various factors. During this event, the expert pulmonologists at Sri Ramakrishna Hospital also addressed the rising fears about the COVID-19 vaccine.

Recently, many theories and misconceptions about the COVID-19 vaccine have caused people to hesitate. This widespread misinformation has led to a lot of anxiety and confusion.

Vaccines are designed to prevent infections from viruses or bacteria. However, if a vaccinated person does get infected, the severity of the illness is often reduced. This was evident during the second wave of COVID-19, where most vaccinated individuals did not experience severe symptoms compared to those who were not vaccinated.

It’s important to understand that every vaccine has its benefits and drawbacks. The COVID-19 vaccine was developed quickly and has shown remarkable results in many people, although some have experienced minor complications. If you have concerns about the vaccine or your health, it’s best to consult an experienced specialist for professional advice.

Asthma is another common concern these days. People often overlook the triggers that can cause asthma flare-ups. These triggers can be both indoor and outdoor.

Asthma is a chronic condition that affects many people worldwide and requires timely medical treatment to manage effectively.

Indoor triggers can include:

  • Pet fur: Many of us have pets, and their fur can trigger asthma.
  • Smoke from incense sticks: While not a trigger for all asthma patients, some may experience flare-ups when exposed to this smoke.
  • Burning mosquito coils: Certain chemicals in these coils can cause asthma flare-ups.
  • Indoor air quality: Poor air quality inside homes can lead to asthma triggers.
  • Cigarette smoke: The chemicals in cigarette smoke are dangerous for asthma patients and can cause major flare-ups.
  • House dust mites
  • Cockroaches

Outdoor triggers can include:

  • Air pollution and air quality: Industrial cities often have poor air quality due to smoke from industries and vehicles, which can trigger asthma.
  • Pollen grains
  • Dust: Dust from construction and other outdoor activities can contribute to asthma flare-ups.

While both indoor and outdoor factors can trigger asthma and other serious lung conditions like COPD and ILD, outdoor triggers are often beyond our control. However, indoor triggers can be managed and avoided. When outdoors, it’s important to take precautions like wearing a mask or avoiding highly polluted areas to prevent asthma flare-ups.

The Department of Pulmonology at Sri Ramakrishna Hospital is dedicated to providing exceptional care for respiratory disorders. They offer advanced diagnostic procedures, personalized treatment plans, and continuous patient education to effectively manage and prevent respiratory issues.

Asthma is a growing concern worldwide. With certain efforts and precautionary steps, it can be managed effectively.