Just Sleep The New Fitness Trend

Just Sleep: The New Fitness Trend

Is a good night’s sleep as beneficial as a rigorous gym workout? Quite possibly. While traditional fitness focuses on healthy eating, exercise, jogging, walking, and yoga, “sleep fitness” is becoming a global trend. Many health enthusiasts are now prioritizing sleep over intense gym sessions and other fitness routines.

It’s no wonder that influential figures like Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos are investing in high-tech mattresses to ensure they get a solid eight hours of sleep each night.

Are you struggling to get enough sleep but still pushing through your regular workouts?

Sleep-Deprived India

India is a nation lacking in sleep, with most people getting fewer hours of rest, according to Dr. Marcus Ranney, a leading longevity physician and founder of Human Edge. He suggests that for most people, a couple of extra hours in bed might be more beneficial than a high-intensity morning workout.

The Benefits of More Sleep

Dr. Marcus explains that many people believe intense gym sessions can make up for a poor lifestyle. However, he argues that extra sleep is actually more beneficial for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Lack of sleep can have numerous negative effects on health and performance, especially for those with busy, chaotic lives. Poor diet and sedentary habits only worsen the situation.

The Importance of Sleep

Holistic nutritionist Luke Coutinho emphasizes that health goes beyond diet and exercise. Sleep has become a buzzword because people are realizing the severe consequences of chronic sleep deprivation. He points out that sleep is essential for repair, recovery, regeneration, healing, cleansing, and growth. Human beings are unique in their willingness to sacrifice sleep to achieve more, but this often leads to negative health outcomes.

Luke notes that sleep is crucial for preventing and managing conditions like heart attacks in young adults, chronic infections, obesity, diabetes, autoimmunity, and even cancer. Research shows that even a few nights of insufficient sleep can reduce the body’s ability to repair and grow muscles.

The ‘Sleep Deeper India’ Campaign

Luke and his team have launched the ‘Sleep Deeper India’ campaign to promote sleep as a lifestyle change. He stresses that sleep is fundamental to health and survival, and we have been neglecting it for too long. Not getting enough sleep disrupts many physiological processes, including hormone production.

Hormonal Effects of Sleep Deprivation

Restricting sleep to just five hours a night can lower testosterone levels in healthy young men and alter the release of growth hormone. Sleep deprivation also disrupts the balance of leptin and ghrelin, hormones that regulate appetite. Lack of sleep increases ghrelin levels, leading to hunger and cravings, while decreasing leptin levels, making it harder to feel full.

A Balanced Approach

Dr. Vinoda Kumari, deputy chief medical officer at Jindal Naturecure Institute, says that both quality sleep and regular exercise are essential for overall health. Sleep is crucial for cognitive function, mood regulation, and physical recovery, while exercise improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles, and boosts mental well-being.

A balanced approach that includes both sufficient sleep and regular physical activity can greatly enhance overall health. Quality sleep improves exercise performance by aiding muscle repair and growth, while regular exercise promotes deeper, more restorative sleep cycles. Integrating both into a daily routine can lead to comprehensive health benefits.

The Impact of Sleep Loss

Sleep deprivation can cause hormonal imbalances, reduce insulin sensitivity, increase cortisol levels, and lead to inflammation. These factors can interfere with muscle repair and growth, making workouts and nutrition less effective. In short, without adequate sleep, your fitness efforts may be in vain.

Dr. Marcus Ranney emphasizes that extra hours of sleep are more beneficial than intense gym sessions, especially in a sleep-deprived country like India. Dr. Vinoda Kumari adds that a holistic approach to health improves physical and mental well-being, enhances resilience against stress, and supports a higher quality of life.