Can Diabetes Increase The Risk of Uterine Cancer? ICMR Shares Findings

Can Diabetes Increase The Risk of Uterine Cancer? ICMR Shares Findings



Can Diabetes Increase The Risk of Uterine Cancer? ICMR Shares Findings

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has brought attention to a significant link between type 2 diabetes and an increase in uterine cancer cases. What is the reason behind this connection? Read on to find out!

Can Diabetes Increase The Risk of Uterine Cancer? ICMR Shares Findings

Diabetes is a common health issue today, with symptoms like fatigue, frequent urination, and sudden weight loss. While many are aware of complications like heart disease and nerve damage, fewer know about the serious risk of uterine cancer associated with diabetes.

What is The Connection Between Diabetes And Uterine Cancer?

The ICMR recently published a study that explores the link between diabetes and uterine cancer. This research emphasizes the need for greater awareness and preventive measures to lower the risk of uterine cancer in diabetic patients.

The study found that women with Type 2 diabetes are more prone to developing endometrial cancer, a type of uterine cancer. One of the main causes of diabetes is obesity, which leads to hormonal imbalances and higher insulin levels. These imbalances can cause harmful cell growth in the uterus, which may become cancerous.

Additionally, diabetes can cause chronic inflammation in the body, which can also contribute to the development of cancer cells.

Prevention Tips

The key to prevention is maintaining a healthy diet and proper body weight. Obesity is a major risk factor for uterine cancer in people with diabetes. If you have diabetes and smoke, quitting smoking is crucial to reduce your risk. Regularly monitor your blood pressure and keep it within normal limits. Exercise for at least 30 minutes daily to stay healthy. Regular screening for uterine cancer is vital for early detection and treatment. Women with diabetes should have annual pelvic exams to catch any potential issues early.

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