Meghalaya Rainforests Threatened by Global Increase in Greenhouse Gases

Meghalaya Rainforests Threatened by Global Increase in Greenhouse Gases

The dense rainforests of Meghalaya, recognized as biodiversity hotspots in India, are at significant risk due to the unprecedented global rise in greenhouse gases. This alarming trend could drastically alter the region’s climate and vegetation.

Historical Context and Study Insights

A recent study has highlighted that the global increase in greenhouse gases can lead to decreased rainfall in equatorial regions. This shift in climate could transform India’s biodiversity hotspots, including the evergreen forests in North East India, the Western Ghats, and the Andaman Islands, into deciduous forests.

To understand these potential changes, researchers from the Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences (BSIP), an autonomous institute under the Department of Science and Technology, examined fossil pollen and carbon isotope data from the Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM-2). The ETM-2, also known as H-1 or Elmo, was a period of global warming that occurred around 54 million years ago.

During the ETM-2, the Indian plate was situated near the equator, making it an ideal natural laboratory to study the vegetation-climate relationship. Researchers selected the Panandhro Lignite Mine in Kutch, Gujarat, for their study due to the availability of fossils from this period.

Key Findings

The analysis revealed that when atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations exceeded 1000 ppmv near the paleo-equator, rainfall decreased significantly. This reduction in rainfall led to the expansion of deciduous forests, replacing the evergreen forests.

Implications for the Future

The study, published in the journal Geoscience Frontiers, raises critical concerns about the survival of equatorial and tropical rainforests and biodiversity hotspots under increased carbon emissions. Understanding the relationship between carbon dioxide levels and the hydrological cycle is crucial for future conservation efforts.


  • Threat: Meghalaya rainforests are at risk due to rising greenhouse gases.
  • Study: Conducted by BSIP using fossil pollen and carbon isotope data from the Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM-2).
  • Historical Context: ETM-2 was a global warming period around 54 million years ago.
  • Findings: High atmospheric CO2 levels (>1000 ppmv) led to decreased rainfall and expansion of deciduous forests.
  • Implications: Raises concerns about the future of biodiversity hotspots and emphasizes the need for conservation efforts.

This study underscores the importance of understanding historical climate events to predict and mitigate future environmental changes.