Defence Ministry Identifies Three Locations for Theatre Commands

Defence Ministry Identifies Three Locations for Theatre Commands

In a significant move towards enhancing national security, the Defence Ministry has pinpointed three locations for the establishment of Theatre Commands. This development aligns with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent statement in Parliament, affirming that the creation of Theatre Commands is progressing as planned.

Historical Context: The concept of Theatre Commands is not new and has been a part of military strategy in various countries. The idea is to integrate the capabilities of the Army, Navy, and Air Force under a unified command to improve operational efficiency and response time. This approach was notably used during World War II and has been adopted by several modern militaries, including the United States and China.

Identified Locations: Senior defence officials have disclosed that the headquarters for the new Theatre Commands will be located in:

  1. Lucknow - Northern Theatre Command
  2. Jaipur - Western Theatre Command
  3. Thiruvananthapuram - Maritime Theatre Command

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Western Theatre Command (Jaipur): This command will focus on countering threats from Pakistan.
  • Northern Theatre Command (Lucknow): This command will address threats from the northern borders.
  • Maritime Theatre Command (Thiruvananthapuram): This command will oversee maritime security, including both sea boards and island territories.

Integration and Jointness: Chief of Defence Staff General Anil Chauhan is spearheading efforts to implement over 100 points aimed at enhancing integration among the three services. The Department of Military Affairs (DMA) is actively working to foster a joint military culture, moving away from the traditional service-specific cultures.

Key Initiatives:

  • Joint maintenance of critical equipment such as Apache attack helicopters and AK-203 assault rifles.
  • Formation of committees to improve jointness in intelligence gathering, operations, and multi-domain warfare.
  • Unification of operations divisions at both Theatre and central headquarters levels.


  • Three Locations Identified: Lucknow, Jaipur, Thiruvananthapuram.
  • Command Roles: Western (Pakistan), Northern (Northern borders), Maritime (Sea boards and islands).
  • Integration Efforts: Over 100 points for enhanced jointness.
  • Key Initiatives: Joint maintenance of equipment, unified operations divisions.
  • Historical Context: Inspired by successful models from World War II and modern militaries.

This strategic move is expected to significantly bolster India’s defence capabilities by ensuring a more coordinated and efficient military response to various threats.