HIV Care Centre Abbott and YRGCARE Open Two Facilities to Combat HIV and Infectious Diseases in India

HIV Care Centre: Abbott and YRGCARE Open Two Facilities to Combat HIV and Infectious Diseases in India

Historical Context: The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) epidemic has been a significant global health issue since the early 1980s. In India, the first cases of HIV were reported in the mid-1980s, and since then, the country has faced numerous challenges in controlling the spread of the virus. Over the years, various initiatives have been launched to provide testing, treatment, and support to those affected by HIV. The collaboration between Abbott, a US-based medical device manufacturer, and YRGCARE (YR Gaitonde Centre for AIDS Research and Education), a non-profit organization, marks a significant step in the ongoing battle against HIV and other infectious diseases in India.

News Article: New Delhi: Abbott, a US-based medical device manufacturer, in collaboration with YRGCARE (YR Gaitonde Centre for AIDS Research and Education), a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting HIV patients, has announced the inauguration of two new HIV care facilities in India. These centers, located in Delhi and Mizoram, aim to provide comprehensive testing, treatment, and support to curb the spread of HIV and other infectious diseases in the country.

According to YRGCARE, the new outreach centers will serve over 2,500 people in these cities over the next year by adopting a holistic approach. Beyond testing, the facilities will offer linkages to government-run Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) and Antiretroviral Therapy (ART), as well as tuberculosis treatments when necessary.

Sunil Solomon, Chairman of YRGCARE, emphasized the importance of these facilities, stating, “The HIV epidemic in India remains a public health issue, and outbreaks can easily spread from one area to another due to migration. These facilities represent the type of innovation needed to address viral transmission among harder-to-reach populations that continue to experience high rates of HIV and hepatitis. The provision of testing services at these centers will also help identify new strains and the need for new diagnostics.”

Dr. Gavin Cloherty, Head of Infectious Disease Research at Abbott’s diagnostic business, added, “By ensuring more people with HIV and other infectious diseases understand their status and have access to treatment, we can help stop the spread of these viruses. In addition to their local importance, these facilities join an international network of organizations focused on viral surveillance and help prevent the next pandemic.”

Summary in Bullet Points:

  • Abbott and YRGCARE have inaugurated two new HIV care centers in Delhi and Mizoram, India.
  • The centers aim to serve over 2,500 people in the next year by providing comprehensive testing, treatment, and support.
  • Services include linkages to government-run OST (Opioid Substitution Therapy) and ART (Antiretroviral Therapy), as well as tuberculosis treatments.
  • The initiative addresses the spread of HIV and other infectious diseases, particularly among harder-to-reach populations.
  • The facilities will help identify new strains of viruses and the need for new diagnostics.
  • These centers are part of an international network focused on viral surveillance and preventing future pandemics.