5 Common Eye Infections to be Aware of During Monsoon

5 Common Eye Infections to be Aware of During Monsoon

As the monsoon season arrives, it brings not only pleasant weather but also a surge in various diseases, including eye infections. This period is particularly conducive to the spread of eye-related ailments due to increased humidity and exposure to contaminated water.

Historical Context

Historically, the monsoon season in South Asia has been associated with a rise in waterborne and vector-borne diseases. The increased moisture and stagnant water create ideal breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses, leading to a spike in infections. Understanding the historical patterns of disease outbreaks during monsoon can help in better preparation and prevention.

Common Eye Infections During Monsoon

  1. Viral Conjunctivitis (Eye Flu)

    • Description: Inflammation of the thin membrane lining the inner surface of the eyelids and the white part of the eyeball.
    • Symptoms: Itching, light sensitivity, watery discharge, and redness of the eyelids.
    • Contagion: Highly contagious, can spread through direct contact with an infected person.
  2. Dry Eyes

    • Description: Occurs when there is insufficient production of liquid tears (aqueous fluid).
    • Causes: Poor blinking habits, prolonged screen time.
    • Medical Term: Kerato-conjunctivitis.
  3. Corneal Ulcer

    • Description: An open sore on the cornea, primarily caused by infection.
    • Symptoms: Red, watery, and bloodshot eye; severe pain; pus or other discharge.
    • Risks: Can lead to vision loss and blindness if untreated.
  4. Stye

    • Description: A bacterial infection involving one or more small glands near the base of the eyelashes.
    • Symptoms: Appears as a lump on the eyelid.
    • Prevalence: Extremely common during the monsoon season.
  5. Trachoma

    • Description: Caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis.
    • Impact: Responsible for blindness in approximately 1.9 million people globally.
    • Transmission: Spread through direct contact or via towels and flies that have touched the eyes or nose of an infected person.

How to Protect Your Eyes During Monsoon

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before touching your eyes.
  • Avoid touching your eyes with dirty hands.
  • Refrain from rubbing your eyes frequently.
  • Do not share contact lenses.
  • Use protective glasses while swimming or when exposed to wind.
  • Avoid swimming pools during the rainy season.


  • Viral Conjunctivitis: Highly contagious, causes itching and redness.
  • Dry Eyes: Insufficient tear production, linked to poor blinking habits.
  • Corneal Ulcer: Open sore on the cornea, can lead to blindness.
  • Stye: Bacterial infection, appears as a lump on the eyelid.
  • Trachoma: Bacterial infection, major cause of blindness globally.
  • Prevention Tips: Maintain hand hygiene, avoid touching eyes, use protective eyewear, and avoid swimming pools during monsoon.

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